Product / Factory Certificates
Product Certificates
Products that require certification apart from lab testing such as electrical items will have a certificate supplied by the factory with the shipping documents.
Clients are welcome to have any 3
rd party certification company verify the goods or the factory’s documents.
We use different lab and certification companies subject to the product or customer’s requirements.
Factory Certification and Qualification
We have our own on-site inspectors at our China office and different parts of China.
As needed, we occasionally use third party inspection companies.
Our clients are welcome to appoint their own third party inspection Co. at all time at their own expense.
Subject to the type of product or size of the order, our inspectors can do a variety of inspections.
- Pre-inspect the factory before the order is confirmed.
- Their capability of handling the requested size of order.
- Factory Q.C. standards
- Availability of raw materials
- Compliance to standard labor laws for wages, child labor and weekly hours of labor
- If the factory has been audited recently or can they pass an audition if required.
- Inspection during the production, semi-finished goods and Q.C. testing at different stages.
- Final Q.C. inspection before shipping at 80% of packaging. Random master cartons are selected for inspection. Inspection standards are based on A.Q.L. Mil. Level II standards unless other standards are requested by the client or if the type of product dictates a different standard.
Clients are free to send a 3rd party certification company for a complete factory audit and certification on their behalf.
Stay tuned!
Should you have any questions?
Please feel free to contact us at any time.
Our services
Our manufacturing and marketing experience allows us to help in the development of new products for our clients based on their special requirements.